I call these Bobble heads purely because of the palmered fur I apply to the front of the fly giving it the look of a bobble found on the top of some wooly hats. This one I started by tying grey raccoon zonker to the rear of the hook. Then tied on 15 or so silver FFF krinkle flash strands, then added several White micro-barb saddle feathers. Last but not least I then dubbing looped pink raccoon fur around the hook shaft to the eye. Whip finished and stuck a couple of 15 mm eyes onand a large black cone-head.
With this one I took several several grizzly variant and white micro-barb saddle hackles & tied them onto the back of the hook near the bend. I then added a generous helping of silver & blue fine tinsel. The bobble head is blue arctic fox fur dubbing looped around the hook shaft to the eye. Whip finished and a large cone-head added.
Fly Candy Another bobble head tube fly.This one I started off tying in 10 -12 different length White and brown microbarb saddle hackles The tied on …Read More...
Fly CandyI call these Bobble heads purely because of the palmered fur I apply to the front of the fly giving it the look of a bobble found on the top…Read More...
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