A couple of Bluegill patterns for a chap in the States. I blended Camo SF Blend with Sea blue & mottled green slinky fiber for these imitations.Added some faint stripes with a marker pen and a chin of red Arctic fox.
Been to long!Sorry for no posting the last 3 to 4 weeks but its been balls to the walls with guiding clients 17hrs a day and just haven't had the energy …Read More...
Bluegill patternsA while back I was asked to tie up some bluegill patterns for a chap in the States and he asked for a couple of Replot stingers tied in Char…Read More...
Fly Swaps - Nick GranatoIf there is one fly tier I've been itching to do a fly swap with, it has to be with Nick Granato from "Fly Obsession" . I have huge admirati…Read More...
A couple of Bluegill patterns for a chap in the States. I blended Camo SF Blend with Sea blue & mottled green slinky fiber for these imi…Read More...
The Hollow semper fleyeHere's a great pattern tied by Steve Farrar that can be tied eithr large or small depending on the size fish your targeting. …Read More...
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