Since moving here to Replot I've had to change my tactics slightly especially If I'm spending a day wading. I'm generally fishing in water depths between 60cm and a meter & a half. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy fishing from a boat, but I'm more happier waist deep in water. It does have it's downfalls in that your not able to get as much distance with each cast, but on a whole there is something about playing a fish half submerged in water.
Anyway I have been tying some poppers that I can use with one of my slow sinking intermediate lines in shallow water conditions. Getting the the right mix of materials so as to balance the popper so it just stays just below the surface of the water has been challenging. I was given some foam popper heads a couple of months back to try out and at 40mm long I had to use some long shanked 6/0 hooks from Fulling mill,which I wasn't to thrilled about. With this one I painted glue over the popper head then sprinkled fine green glitter over it.stuck a couple of eyes on and then Bug-bonded over that. The main body is a mix of white bucktail, Chartreuse goat hair. Strands of light green flashaboy with a red UV polar chenille collar.
I used red fine glitter with this head and used the same process. The body is a combination of large Hot orange grizzly saddles,White Icelandic sheep hair.Some strands of holographic Xmas tinsel followed by Black UV polar chenille collar.
Fly CandyA couple of new Popper streamers with burnt orange marabou collars and white and black slinky tails. A clients has been using these in Austr…Read More...
Fly CandyAnother "Marauder" hot of the vice,this time in orange & yellow. Tan & orange bucktail was used to build the body up with.…Read More...
Fly CandyI've called this surface fly a "Marauder" Its a combination of splayed out schlappen feathers,Bucktail and a tightly packed trimmed spun d…Read More...
Puglisi PoppersCheck out these Bitchin Poppers by Enrico Puglisi. They come in Black/Purple, Red/White, Red/yellow & All white. Click here to visit his…Read More...
Fly CandyNot sure what this is really. I started with all good intentions of tying some form of marauder but decided to tie the brown & Chartreus…Read More...
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