More baitfish hybrid patterns for the summer months. These two variations are tied with mirror image. A material I'm slowly coming to enjoy more & more. Its probably one of the best materials on the market for tying this kind of fly,purely because of the extra movement it gives off when under the water. I tied this same pattern with slinky fiber and was able to show the differences in quality between the two in the test pool in Helsinki.
This fly is best used with an intermediate line using short sharp strips with decent pauses in between. For pike flies I've found that to get the best out of the material tie your flies around 160mm long. If you pinch the material up wards when sticking on your eyes it raises the profile of the fly slightly thus giving a little more surface area to allow for better movement.This is a Herring hybrid pattern.
As you've probably noticed I like to combine different materials on my flies. By adding a small sprig of raccoon fur for the under belly/chin I'm hoping to give a little more movement to the fly. Not much but maybe just enough to entice a pike into taking the fly. This one is more of a Rainbow trout pattern.
Fly CandyI call this "The Beast" purely because its one sick looking fly. Part predator part hybrid,I just know this fly is going to move some water.…Read More...
VariationsThe Rattle 'n Hum is a fly I've been using more and more of this season. I've eventually found a fly that I can go wading with and not have …Read More...
Fly CandyMore sliders......well a white raccoon tailed slider tied much the same as the others last week. Don't be fooled by the UV polar chenile.It …Read More...
Fly CandyI started off with this gurglebug tube fly by tying a small chenille ball towards the back of the tube. Then added a decent length of white …Read More...
Fly candyA pink lazyboy with some white raccoon zonker for a tail. I far prefer to use this fly with an intermediate line than a floating. Has great …Read More...
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