Sent this to Alistair over at the "Urban fly fisher" the other day to try out. Its a mix of Holographic and gold Xmas tinsel, grizzly microbarb saddles and some of that rabbit fur I tanned over the winter.
Tied about 160 mm long and a tad heavier at 5 gr than my normal flies at 3 grams for fishing slightly deeper water, I'm damn sure this will bag a pike.
Fly CandyReading a few friends blogs this weekend they hinted that spring might be on its way.....Well its definitely not here on Replot. Temps didn'…Read More...
Fly Candy Another bobble head tube fly.This one I started off tying in 10 -12 different length White and brown microbarb saddle hackles The tied on …Read More...
Fly CandyI call these Bobble heads purely because of the palmered fur I apply to the front of the fly giving it the look of a bobble found on the top…Read More...
Saltwater fly candySome more Saltwater cross over fry. Am sure there are are similar designs out there that people tie,but maybe with different combinations of…Read More...
Fly CandyAnother slinky fiber baitfish variation I tie in 100 mm or 180mm sizes. …Read More...
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