I've seen this floating around on a few blogs this last week but It was Wayne's post at "Willfishforwork" blog that caught my attention to the writings of a one, Mt Bob Wire about the invasive terror the northern pike to his native waters of Montana. Read his article here.
There is a great reply by a chap called Bill Schneider in defense of the northern pike here Some great lunch time reading for you on this slow Monday.Apparently he's not a bad writer......
Catch of the dayIvan Keeney catches a 47-inch, 29.7 pound pike at Smith Lake from his canoe. Read the full story HERE . Although I'm chuffed for the fella f…Read More...
Balticpikeflies.com openSorry for the lack of posts over the last week but not only has it been extremely busy down in Merikarvia with the tournament but the intern…Read More...
Dubbing winner!As I promised we put all the names in a hat and the 1st one that came out was Miksu from Finland. Send me your address mate and I'll post em…Read More...
Free bootyIf you want to put yourself in chance for some free Raccoon dubbing then what is the name of the vice I use to tie my flies on. Either leave…Read More...
No 50No 50 so far for the season. I'ts been a period of ups n downs for me these last 2 weeks. By this time last season I had doubled this tally …Read More...
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