For those that have never used Raccoon Zonker either because your not a natural's Person or because you've heard it gets heavy after 20 mins of fishing with it. well here's a top tip to use before tying onto your hook.
Firstly take your Bone comb and comb through thoroughly pulling out as much of the underfur as possible. Then take a sharp pair of tying scissors and snip away 4 - 5 mm sections along the length of the leather strip. This drastically cuts down the weight by a 3rd. and water is dispersed a lot quicker out of the tail with a couple of false casts. I've also noticed that these gaps in the fur trap air in between them and leave a small trail of bubbles behind as you strip back
And as I've mentioned before if your a tight arse like me, then there's no waste as you have some fantastic raccoon dubbing left over
Tight arse tying materials!I hate paying top dollar for shit when I know I can get it for peanuts.All it takes is a bit of time, and a will to find,out of the way mate…Read More...
Text book error!Top tip.....Never comb out your fly while it is wet! You should never run a fine comb or brush through your wet hair and the same principle …Read More...
Finds around the houseFound this "Birdy chick tail" feather duster the other day wedged between two cupboards at my oldmans place. So being the ultimate tight ass…Read More...
Tight ass dubbing brush!Here is the ultimate tight ass dubbing brush. To be fair I've made a couple of these and they actually work pritty good. well worth the effo…Read More...
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