The Pete Gray's double tube fly is an other one of those cross over flies that can be adapted to pike fly fishing.This one was tied specifically for saltwater purposes in the form of a Bunker baitfish but with different coloured microbarb saddle hackles and bucktail one can tie this fly in a variety of colour combination's and sizes. The extra tube tied on to the bottom of the top one is to allow for better hook presentation as it hangs below the trailing tied materials.
Pete Gary's dual tube 2I've been slacking on the tube fly front so far this winter. will have to get my finger out my arse soon as the days are getting longer and …Read More...
Tube fly combination tailsHeres a cool concept for all you guys that like to fish with tubes for Pike. I was sent these a few weeks back by Fabrice Boucher that have …Read More...
Spinning tube fliesEvery now and then I come across a fly tyer that literally blows me away,and Raymond Noordermeer from the Netherlands is one of them. All th…Read More...
Sheephead flyTube flies are probably my favourite way to catch pike with. They last longer than normal hook flies and are super light to cast. Anyway I'v…Read More...
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