Those of you that are new to this blog (Welcome) and are looking for something specific regarding pike fly fishing or fly tying in general, then use the "LABEL CLOUD" in the left column. You'll find over "20 separate fly tying tutorials" from myself, "52 video fly tying tutorials", and for pages upon pages of pike fly inspiration then click "Baltic pike flies". If you see a fly or flies you like get hold of me through the contacts form and I'll see if I have it in stock for you. I also have plenty of money saving "Tight arse top tips" available for you to use as well.Other than that, use the search engine at the top of the page to find something specific. Have a great year n tight lines.
Vincenzo....These left yesterday for you + extras....Thanks for your support mate.
Spot the differenceSo I decided to enter my Black widow angel streamer into the the 2009 fly competition last year with high hopes of it migh…Read More...
Helsinki fairSo I arrived back from Helsinki yesterday,pretty buggered I might add. A mix of late nights & a lack of sleep can be attributed to me be…Read More...
Pike ...evil killers!I've seen this floating around on a few blogs this last week but It was Wayne's post at "Willfishforwork" blog that caught my attention to t…Read More...
Gobble gobbleEver wondered how your Xmas turkey sitting on the table came from. Well here's something you don't get to see everyday. Spare a thought for …Read More...
Swedish fly fairWell I'm back from the Swedish fly fair which was held in Stockholm and what an amazing time I had over the four days. The Swede's know how …Read More...
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