Jvice 443

I received my new Jvice the other day and I have to say I’m pretty stocked…. actually that’s an understatement, I’ve got a stonking great boner looking at it . There are vices & then there are vices & this is the dogs bollocks with regards to vices. One only has to read the reviews that have been written about it on its website to know this is a true piece of engineering work. What makes the Jvice even more special for me is that its produced in South Africa 30 km from where I grew up in Durban in a place called Kloof by a chap called Jay Smit. Mine is 443 or the four hundred & forty third Jay has manufactured.

I wont bang on about it now but in a month I’ll write a full review on it. To have a look at it more closely then click the links or the image to visit the Jvice website….Cheers pops.

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