I tied some of theses on to hooks last year and they caught me plenty of Perch. They would be fantastic for all you Bass fly-fishermen as well.These three have been worked onto tubes this time. Very easy to tie so will do you a tutorial this weekend for them.
Saltwater fly candySome more Saltwater cross over fry. Am sure there are are similar designs out there that people tie,but maybe with different combinations of…Read More...
Fly CandyStripes on flies! I mean, Jerkbait fisherman swear by them so why shouldn't they be effective on our flies! Personally I like to add stripes…Read More...
Fly CandyTied up some cross over fry patterns yesterday. I'm running short on perch flies and these will keep me going till the middle of September w…Read More...
Fly CandyHad a fantastic 3 hours with Jani last night. I ended up with 11 fish in total with 2 around the 87 cm mark and Jani bagged 3. God knows how…Read More...
Fly CandyPerch have become extremely active here the last week and are feeding on the large shoals of baitfish, so I rustled up several of these micr…Read More...
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