I'm not a great fan of Steve Farrar's SF Flash blend, but I was given several clumps to try out a year ago and am desperately trying to get rid of it. There is just too much wastage with it, and it also retains more water than I expected. Anyway I have tied up some small baitfish patterns onto some Eumer tubes yesterday for targeting Perch with. At 45mm in length they should be perfect.
Fly CandyTied up some cross over fry patterns yesterday. I'm running short on perch flies and these will keep me going till the middle of September w…Read More...
Fly CandyPerch have become extremely active here the last week and are feeding on the large shoals of baitfish, so I rustled up several of these micr…Read More...
Saltwater fly candySome more Saltwater cross over fry. Am sure there are are similar designs out there that people tie,but maybe with different combinations of…Read More...
Fly CandyHad a fantastic 3 hours with Jani last night. I ended up with 11 fish in total with 2 around the 87 cm mark and Jani bagged 3. God knows how…Read More...
Fly CandyStripes on flies! I mean, Jerkbait fisherman swear by them so why shouldn't they be effective on our flies! Personally I like to add stripes…Read More...
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