Perch (Perca fluviatilis) Found all over Scandinavia as well as here on the Baltic sea. On light weight fly tackle they are great fun and also top fare.
Zander or Pike perch (Walleye) - (Sander lucioperca) Are also another great light tackle species found here and can get extremely big in the lakes in Finland & Sweden as you can see by this lunker.
More sailfish flies!Another one from the sailfish collection. All the feathers that I tied on to the Gamakatsu sl 12 6/0 big game saltwater hooks have all been …Read More...
Fly swaps!Last year while attending the Swedish fly fair I was fortunate to meet master fly tier Ole Kristian Skaar and since then we've hit up quite …Read More...
Sailfish flies!This is the first of four tandem rigs tied specifically for the boys at WILDFLIES for their Kenya sailfish trip at the end of the month. The…Read More...
Shrimp for Ide! Tied up some little shrimp patterns for targeting some Ide here this spring. Hook Sakuma manta 1/0, Main body I started by attaching a…Read More...
Flies for the new seasonSo I'm back on line for the forseeable future even though I still haven't got a fixed abode yet. Arrived back last week to find the owners s…Read More...
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