Fly Candy

Out of the 49 pike I've caught this week so far, this fly has accounted for 27 of them. In the water it looks and swims like an injured pike would. It darts from side to side and rolls during that all important 2 second hangtime. Conditions have been mixed here on the island but Its generally been free of any major wind but mainly overcast when I've been out in the mornings and evenings. Darker coloured flies have faired much better than their brighter brethren!

I've used Olive and yellow grizzly schlappen for the tail. Olive,white and yellow bucktail for the body and threw in several strands of green FFF Flash for good measure. Then gave it an olive and brown artificial wool for the head.

Every now and then get a feeling about a fly and this is one of them. I'm just finishing off the tutorial for those bendback hightie flies and I'll do one for this fly.Have a great weekend all.

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