Out testing

One of the reasons I've been pining for the ice to melt is because I've been itching to get out and test the new Pikesaber which was sent to me towards the end of last year. It comes highly recommended & It's been approved by the Pike fly fishing association...So its got to be good!

Anyway since the ice started melting I've been out testing every day for a couple of hours in all manner of conditions with an array of different fly lines, reels and off course flies. I haven't caught anything on it yet but Pike are 2 weeks later with their spawning than last year. I'll be taking it down to Merikarvia next week for the teams to try out to get their opinions on it and whether I share similar views. I've started a review which will eventually be in PDF form as it will be too long to put on the blog. This rod deserves a proper testing and you the punters deserve a proper review.

So bare with me for another month or so and I'll have one ready for you.

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